Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Heading to the finish line? [Sophie]

Well, I thought I was heading to the finish line but I've realized that my finish line keeps moving.  I'm stoked that  a little pile of parcels is growing on top of my bookshelf ready for posting tomorrow.  I've just got one last little present to make for my mum.... I was thinking of giving her a little Ruched Happy Bag a la Amy Friend like I'm giving my sister but then I thought I might do something different for  her instead.  So.... I'm thinking a cushion for Mum and a brooch which is superquick to whip up.

In the meantime though... here's what I've ended up doing for Dad this afternoon...
Its not perfect but I think Dad will like it and it'll come in handy.  He loves to tinker around the house and is well into his gardening.  I made it from upholstery fabric and made it as boyish as I could.  A hard job for me as we are 4:1 on the girl:boy ratio in this household!  Pink and frilly comes a bit too easily.

I'm just highly relieved that my sewing machine held out and did the zigzags ok!

My initial finish line was 1 Dec, to have done:

  1. 2 baby quilts - CHECK
  2. Market skirt - CHECK
and added later
  1. gardening tool belt - CHECK
  2. Ruched Happy Purse - CHECK
  3. Present for Mum - HALFWAY THERE.
  4. Christmas cards to send to rellos abroad - CHECK.
Next deadlines after after posting all the overseas presents will be
4 Dec - finishing the bespoke gifts a friend has ordered.
7 Dec - getting the girls' classmates marshmallow reindeer and cards out.
15 Dec - friends and neighbours gifts (this will be the lemon butter /fudge/toffee/wreaths)
23 Dec - making new pjs for the girls and wrapping them up with a book to be read on Christmas Eve!

Whoopwhoop! The fun just doesn't end :)


  1. well done i love the idea of the pj's and a book

  2. That is great,I have made the deadline too..the jamas and book sounds really lovely.

  3. Thanks girls! Phew, what a sewing month!
